Safeguarding Policies
1. The following policy guides Zivan Initiative's child protection and safety actions. It is subject to periodic reviews, upgrades and amendments as appropriate. This policy is aimed at protecting Zivan Initiative targets from sexual and other psychological/physical harms where ever services are provided.
2. This policy covers staff of Zivan Initiative, babies and youth from 1 year old to 17-year-old.
3. All staff of Zivan Initiative, in all ramifications, shall be trained in safety protocols and relevant laws to be engaged in all operations.
4. Sexual Molestation: Permanent and Ad-hoc staff of Zivan Initiative are prohibited from assaulting age-groups under our operation in all forms of sexual molestations/illicit actions including but not limited to intimate sexual overtures and intimacy, pawning for sexual prostitution, etc. Such indicted staff face summary dismissal and legal prosecution.
5. Trafficking of Children and Persons: Zivan Initiative is neither an adoption agency or overseas job recruitment organization. This will be pointed out during the orientation/induction training for permanent and ad-hoc staff. Trafficking of children and persons is prohibited by the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. As a registered entity within Federal laws, Zivan Initiative is also adverse to this practice. Any official found wanting in this regard will be dismissed to face legal prosecution.
6. Parental Consent shall be sought and obtained for any participant in Zivan Initiative outreaches who is under the legal age of 18 years.
7. Para-military personnel shall be engaged in crowd-pulling events of Zivan Initiative in order to contain dangers accruing from over-crowdiness and other immediate and remote factors.
8. A designated Safe-Guarding officer shall be employed and trained to identify and do a quick assessment of abusive situations to implement immediate actions.
9. All cases of threats to safety of the wards of Zivan Initiative will be reported to law enforcement agencies.
10. At point of employment, staff of Zivan Initiative shall sign a consent form to signify willingness to adhere to stated child protection and safe-guarding policy.