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We Heppie


My grand daughter, at 22 months old, is developing a cache of words and phrases every day. Sometimes her words are un-intelligible, shrouded in baby language. Other times, they are understood. 

Her favourite phrase is "We Heppie". I don't know where she got it from.

I know she doesn't understand what the phrase means. She says it like a chorus, a refrain. Even when she's angry and throwing a tantrum, she'd say, We heppie.

Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings God has ordained strength and wisdom.

The world is at a mad crescendo. Global dis-heartening events increase on all sides. Most people do not have direction and hope. They do not see the way out of the predicaments of their lives. 

The situation in my country, Nigeria, is especially worrisome- Inflation unprecedented, hunger, kidnappings, vices, anger and a lot more in the land. People collapse on the streets daily and die of hunger in a land so richly blessed by God.

What is my message to you in all of these? BE HEPPIE. In this context, I admonish you to rejoice. Happiness depends on external circumstances and events. Joy is the gift that you have because of your faith in God's ability to intervene in your situations even when no hope is visible. He is the Almighty. He is the One who makes ways where there are no ways.

When all else fails, when all crumbles, God remains ever faithful. His faithfulness is more real to me than the air I breathe.

I join Apostle Paul to tell you: Rejoice and again I say, Rejoice. Laugh at the storms. You will not be drowned. Say to the mountains, Be removed. The raging fires will not consume you. Peace unto you on all sides.


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