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I Won't Kill You


I couldn't sleep.They were disturbing me, singing and flying over me. They were probably about ten or so. l have  killed some  of them who dared to hover and sing around my ears. l was tired. l desperately needed sleep, but these tiny flying mosquitoes wouldn't let me be, let me sleep.

How did they enter the room with all netted windows shut?

I opened my eyes. l saw one of the nuisance mosquitoes nestling contentedly near the bed. I watched it intensely and thought,  "I will not kill you".

My sleep-laden eyes stared at the mosquito. My mind told it  "I will not kill you."And I didn't kill it.

The day dawned.The mosquito rested there, a victor from my vicious hand. I asked myself, "Why did I decide not to kill this mosquito? " What if this mosquito is the one carrying the plasmodium that will give me malaria eventually? Tell you the truth, something in me refused to kill that mosquito even if it'd  give me malaria. That mosquito became a metaphor to me of the things/persons in my life and situations that I should get rid of because of their toxicity and its effect on my life. But I held on. l decided not to kill them.

As I write, I am still thinking of why I didn't kill that mosquito. I have killed the others. Why did I spare this lucky one? "Was it because  l was very tired and sleep- deprived and I have just about given up?

What are the mosquitoes you have refused or decided not to kill? They will bite you.They will inject you with malaria parasite and you will get malaria. You will become their victim. They will become your victors. Their main mission is to suck and pollute your blood and malarialize you.

Kill that mosquito!!! Kill it!!! Don't be it's victim. Kill it NOW!!! It's not too late. It's never

too late. Never too late for you.

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